Saturday, July 27, 2013


Good Morning to the grits in the strainer and the drain that smells like salad fixings. Hello to the table with the leg holes that the new people will use ice cubes for. Good day to the dust on the top of my door.
Wake Up!...says the plants in the soil (root bound). So What! ...says the dirty laundry (that's cause its been worn).
tihs a ekat sevael deird eht wehc eciuj naeb ykrum eht knird
Is that the sunshine thank the sun that it is come on clouds look at that fine breeze feel its words on your brainwaves makes you wanna put on some jeans and go look in the bushes for the bugs  that hide from the birds but yet you see foil stuck wrappers left behind by us again and the bugs eat that syrup dried and sweet and make the birds a perfect morning treat but they won't hawk down while you are there amongst the morning moisture beside the bushes in the sunshine
Good Morning to the crooked picture frames and flickering candle remains. How do ya? to the nickels and matchbox beneath the couch cushions (and their pal POPCORN SEED) unpopped...
Top o' the Morning to steady ceiling fans that stay steady. hello my toes to the rug the mug has gone empty.